Monday 8 October 2012

Target Audience Questionnaire and Evaluation

Question 1
The majority of the people who filled in the questionnaire were my age, which is aged 16-20 and there were a few adults, as well as a 15 year old who took part in the survey. I aimed to target this audience by using actors that were aged between 16 and 20, and using youthful costumes and settings.

Question 2
Mainly females took part in the survey, which is also my target audience, which I am able to target and attract well which the use of my actor being a female. The song is also portraying woman (both the singer and the character, Rhiannon) as strong and powerful, while also being feminine and attractive. The music video, however might also apeal to the male audience, due to the male band member and depending on their preferences in music genres.
Question 3
For this question, I recieved a varied response, displaying the choices, pop, rock, indie and electric, with pop and rock being the most popular. All of these can apply to my genre of music video, except for electronic. I was happy with these results, however, and that my music video is likely to appeal to the majority of the audience who completed the survey.

Question 4
For this question, the most popular answer was 'a variety of old and new music'. I was happy with this response, as my chosen song, is an old classic from the 70's, and I am aiming to produce a more modern music video to go with it, hence apealing to this audience. The other answers that were chosen were indie music and current music in the charts. My music video will be made in an indie style, so will apeal to this audience, and I was expencting at least a quarter of people to select the first option (chart music) as it is the mainstream choice of music.
Question 5
For this question, I wanted to see where people prefered listening/buying music from, online or physical purphases, helping me to learn more about the characteristics of my target audience. Most people buy music online, which is genereally the younger generation. This means I will need to make my music video, advert and album accessable on many platforms on the web, such as Itunes, Youtube, Vevo, Amazon, the band website and other music websites.

Question 6
I was expecting the majority of people to answer 'Youtube' for this question, as it is one of the most popular sites on the web for music, however, no one chose 'Vevo' which is a site dedicated to just music videos. This may be becuase some bands, that may be less well known, arn't accessable on Vevo, whereas Youtube, anyone can upload a music video, therefore more people will be drawn to this.
Question 7
For this question, the majority of people do not mind when they watch a music video, meaning that they vary between watching music videos first or listening to the music first. This is unusual because music videos, as essenitally advert for the artist or album, therefore most people should gennerally be drawn to listening to an artist after watching the music video. A small number of people chose the option of listening to the song and then watching the music video. This may be because they focus more on the actual music than the visuals representations of the artists and song. They may go to the music video afterwards, to get a better understanding of the song, or the meaning of the song might be changed for them by watching the music video. This question does not affect my choices in my music video production, but I have thought more about why people watch music videos.

Question 8
The most popular choice for this question was Narrative videos. This is understandable as having a story within a music video is gennerlally more interesting and stimulating than artists just performing. The least popular choice was absract shots, which is also the least used in music videos. In my music video I have chosen to use performance videos, as it sells the artist, and I will use a combination of narrative and absract shots, for example, there is no real story to my video, more of a creation of the moods and personalities of the character, Rhiannon, hence the combination between the two. Despite this, I still think the shot types will attract my target audience.
Question 9
This question recieved the same answer from all people in the sample. Everone answered 'Yes' to having the artist/s peform as part of the narrative within a music video. First of all, music videos are generally more likely to advertise the artist/album/song better if the artist is seen. This is so the audience can recognise them and assossiate the music with the artist. If it is clear and people know who the artist is, from seeing them, they are more likely to buy their albums. The second reason why the audience prefers to see artists take part in the narrative, is because it makes them seem more part of the music, part of the feelings that are expressed in the song. This would especially be used if the artist had written a song based on thier own feelings and experiences. They may want to express those feelings of love, pain, hate etc. through acting in a narrative. In my case, The artist is seen throughout the video, so viewers will be able to associate her with the music and album. Also, there are no strong emotions in the song, it is more of a story being told about a fictional character. The feelings being put across by the artists are more fasination, curiousity and lure of the myth of Rhiannon. The artist may herself be fascinated by the character, hence why she wrote a song about it. I also like that the idea of the song is quite defferent to the real, everyday feelings, such as love, heartbreak etc., so almost allows the viewer to run away from reality, by creating an imaginary world.

Question 10
The majority of people answered either 'No' or 'Sometimes, subtly' for this question, showing that generally clothing in music videos is quite bold and over the top, hence people generally don't copy what is worn, and if they do, it is subtly, taking aspects of what they wear. For example, someone who watched rock or metal music videos, and was influcnced by the clothing, might wear leather jackets, a lot of black and dark makeup etc. This isn't always the case, and is more of a stereotype. In my video, viewers might be influenced by the bohemian style of clothing and might wear flowing scarves or bold jewellery becuase they liked how the artist looked.
Question 11
This question reieved odd results, which were varied, but the most popular answers were either 1 or 4 outfits. I think from these answers, I would conclude that the opinion in terms of numbers of outfits, varies a lot depending on the person. I found generally girls answered '4 or more' and boys '1'. Becuase my target audience is more girls, I would say that a higher number of outfits would apeal to my target audeince. I am using 4-5 outfits in my music videos, so workes well.

Question 12
This question recieved varied reactions, but the most popular location was city and urban locations, which wasn't the answer I was hoping for. However, natural locations was chosen by a quater of people. The other answers chosen were 'other' and locations created with special effects. This question has made me realise either the sample group of people are not my target audience, or I needed to include less natural locations and use a few urban locations. It may also be down to individual opinions and my target audience does not watch just one specific type of music video, but a range of types.
Question 13
In the last question I asked people which feeling or vibe they prefer to get from music videos, and the majority of people chose either funny and lighthearted or meaningful and able to relate to, and a quarter chose music videos that make them want to dance or sing. I feel  like my music video is almost a bit of each of these. People may relate to it as most grow up listening to fairytale stories, and I feel my music video does this and is quite lighthearted and is almost an escape from real life situations. The song also has a good upbeat vibe and is easy to sing along or dance to. This means I will have targeted most of the people in this sample. 

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