Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Filming Day 3: How it went

For the last day of filming, I planned to film shots of both a feminine, floral outfit as well a white, flowing outfit (at Nunney castle). I then realised after this that it was too much for one day, so decided to split it into two days. I planned to film the shots in the feminine outfit, and also the shots I didn't manage to get the previous filming day (casual outfit). I originally wanted to film these in a forest, however, it was more convenient for my actress to film near her house, where there were fields.

On the day, we firstly filmed the performance tracking shots. I was a bit irritated by these shots, firstly, because I had forgotten to get a steady cam holder from school, so had to use a handheld camera. The shots were actually very clear and the lighting was perfect, so they were ruined by the fact that they were shaky. I decided to keep and use them anyway, experimenting with them during editing. I felt that the fact that Beth was walking towards the camera while shaky, gave the feeling that she had control over the viewer as well. Despite this, the music video still needs to look professional and shaky camera shots aren't at a high standard.

I then filmed a variety of performance and general mood shots of Beth in the feminine outfit, using fields as a backdrop. I managed to shoot some interesting angles and also, as it got darker, some interesting lighting. I originally planned to film some shots at a high angle, or with Beth lying down, but felt that these would really add much to the video, so decided not to shoot them. Overall, the day went well and managed to get some shots that portrayed Rhiannon's feminine, attractive side.
A few days later, I took a 10 min walk from my house, to film some shots of a gypsy horse in a small field. I only really managed to get one good, clear shot of the black horse, but felt this would go well in the music video. I did originally plan to film Beth with the horse, however, it was untamed and I wasn't ever sure when or whether the horse would be there or not.

I decided that the last filming day, in which I would film shots of Beth in a white, flowing outfit in Nunney Castle, wasn't necessary. Firstly, because I felt I already had more than enough shots to work with during editing, and secondly because it takes a lot of time and storage space to convert all the videos, and I felt I would be held back with my work, if I filmed anymore.

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