Tuesday 6 November 2012

Filming Day 2: How it went

For the second day of filming, which was during October in the first term. For this, originally planned to film the narrative with a trail of white feathers and performance shots in the singers casual, rock star style outfit, alongside the two other band members, who would 'play' an electric guitar and tambourine.

On the day, I managed to do all of this, and it went very well, and I managed to get a range of performance shots with and without the band members. I was pleased with the shots of the whole band using a tree in the background, giving the shots a casual, natural feel. The location and weather was perfect and I had no problems in that area.

However, I did not manage to get the right type and colour of white feather I had in mind, instead I was only able to get feathers in many different colours and sizes, frome Beth, rather than all large and white. This gave a very different look to I was going for, and wasn't completely happy with the outcome. However I was able to experiment with what we had, so just filmed Beth picking up a single feather, rather than show a long trail. I quite liked the effect this had.

The only shots I planned to do, that I was unable to capture, were performance tracking shots of Beth walking while singing. I wanted to do this to get a feeling of control and power. However, we ran out of time and did not manage to capture them until the next day of filming.

We also were able to get spur of the moment shots, that wern't planned, such a shot of a spiderweb, with Beth blurred in the background. Also I got some of her running, but from a very low angle, giving the feeling that she is string, yet free sprited.

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